What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication?

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is any means of expression that supplements or is used in the place of verbal communication. AAC modalities come in a variety of forms including but not limited to lite-tech, paper-based picture systems, as well as high-tech voice output devices. As an individual’s ability to produce speech continues to grow, […]

Does my insurance cover the cost of a speech and language evaluation?

In general, most insurance companies may cover speech and language testing that is deemed “medically necessary.” This is determined on an individual basis by the insurance carrier and requires an order for the evaluation from a medical practitioner. The referring provider can be the child’s primary care physician, neurologist or other medical doctor. Beacon […]

What can a Speech-Language Evaluation tell me about my child?

Once the child’s language profile is understood through the assessment process, individually tailored recommendations can be generated for direct interventions and supports at home and school to assist the child in functioning to reach their individual potential.

If there are concerns about more global learning challenges in addition to your child’s difficulties with […]

What is the purpose of a speech and language evaluation?

The purpose of a comprehensive speech and language evaluation is to provide parents, educators, and other health care professionals with detailed information on a child’s fundamental skills, including their strength and relative weaknesses in the areas of language production, comprehension, and use. Parents will be supported in translating their child’s specific profile into a […]

What is a speech-language pathologist?

A speech-language pathologist is a master’s or doctoral level, licensed, health care professional who has undergone specialty clinical training in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of speech, language, social communication, and feeding disorders in childhood.